Physical Therapy 

Our Physical Therapists at Kinetic PT OT will work with you and your child using their expertise in movement and evidence-based practices embedded in fun approaches, to facilitate motor development and function. Our PTs also implement strengthening and endurance through creative gross motor and sensory experiences. Our PTs are experienced in treating various cases (orthopedic and neurologic) and are also skilled in other strategies necessary for an integrated approach (such as sensory integration). Our PTs are also adept with identifying the need for orthotics (SMOs and AFOs), mobility aids (wheelchairs), and other assistive devices.

Among the most common diagnoses that we treat are: developmental delays, ASD (children in the autism spectrum), cerebral palsy, toe walking, in-toeing, club-foot (referrals to orthotic management), other gait impairments, motor planning and body awareness difficulties, hypotonia, muscle weakness, Down Syndrome and other congenital and genetic disorders.

Let’s work together!


Occupational Therapy